10 Quick Ways to Create Great Content

Blogs allow businesses to showcase to their audience what they’re about, the benefits of their services in greater detail, as well as putting across an expert opinion on developments in their industry.

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    Case Studies</h3 >

    People love to hear a success story, that’s why case studies are a great way to showcase the benefits of your services, creating long-term traffic for your site, and solidifying the relationship between you and the consumer.Though it sounds strenuous in name, case studies are easily created with the right tools and research at your disposal. It’s as easy as contacting customers and asking how your services have improved their business, in return your reputation is enhanced, and you stand above your competition.

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    User-Generated Content </h3 >

    The best way to promote your business is giving a voice to those who utilise your services every day, that’s why user-generated content is increasingly popular.Inviting customers and industry influencers to discuss topics will help them feel empowered, as well as encouraging loyalty and share your work within their own social circles. All the while helping with an upturn in sales, with positive feedback from your client base portraying you as a credible, respected business to potential customers.

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    Listicles</h3 >

    Sites like Buzzfeed have made listicles amongst the most popular and most shared on the internet.Set in a simple, built-in structure, listicles are easy to create on any subject imaginable. Listicles are punchy pieces that are easy for the consumer to read quickly, with their shareability creating an organic conversation about your services.

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    Revitalising Previous Content</h3 >

    Blogging is always changing, meaning that trends and posts that were relevant a few months have now become outdated.If you’re struggling for ideas in terms of fresh content, rejuvenating old posts with new stats, opinions, or changing its format to a visual piece opens the piece to a new audience.

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    Interviews</h3 >

    Conducting interviews with influencers and experts in your field will help increase your credibility, the best thing is it can be completed and posted within a matter of minutes.The goal is to get an expert opinion on topics that your audience is interested in, whether that be current events, your services, or where your industry is heading. This will help spark interest in your business, while also helping you market yourself to a different audience outside of your own.

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    Guest Writers </h3 >

    Inviting guests to write for your blog is a great way to produce new content without utilising much of your own resources.This kind of arrangement is mutually beneficial for both parties, your business receives quality content from an industry leader, while the writer opens another channel for exposure to help further establish themselves in the industry.

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    FAQs </h3 >

    FAQs are always a helpful portal for customers to have their questions about your business and services easily answered, without the need to scour the internet.FAQ articles are flexible with the potential to be split into a weekly feature with one question taking focus, or a longer piece so that you have them all in one place.

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    Creating a Series </h3 >

    A series of articles will help extend your content schedule, focusing on a certain topic to draw in your desired audience.Series free up your creativity to go in-depth on topics, breaking up the articles to generate interest and anticipation and a reason to communicate with your customers.

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    Highlight Customer Stories </h3 >

    As a business it’s important to humanise yourself to your audience, making you approachable and friendly to prospective customers.A good way to do that is to highlight customers on your blog, telling their story and how your services benefited them and helping increase your reputation amongst your audience. 

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    Topics You Are Passionate About</h3 >

    Your best writing comes when discussing a subject that you’re passionate about, putting across your ideas and opinions is quick, easy, and gives more value to the reader.You’re more likely to understand the workings of a topic than someone who lacks the same knowledge or passion, ensuring that you will include all the details that the reader will need.

