Factors Which Make a Good eCommerce Website

From ensuring that the website works as it should to providing quality images and text, the process of creating an effective eCommerce website is simpler than you may think. As long as you know everything that needs to go into the front- and back-end of the site, you’re able to create something that draws in customers and generates genuine sales. This blog is designed purely to help you improve your eCommerce website, so let’s dive in!

Ensure Excellent Functionality

One of the main things that customers are looking for is a website that is easy to use and simple to get around. When people are online, they like to be able to find whatever they’re looking for with the minimum of fuss, and this is where website functionality is important. A clean, simple, and logical website allows customers to find the products that they need.

The website also needs to be mobile- and tablet-friendly, as this is how lots of people are shopping for goods in 2019. 40% of the sales on Black Friday 2018 were undertaken on a mobile device, rather than a traditional brick-and-mortar store, and 30% of sales on Cyber Monday followed this trend. It’s obvious that customers are utilising their phones and tablets more than ever before and this is why you need to be optimised correctly.

In recent research compiled by OuterBox, it has been found that 40% of users will go to a competitor following a bad experience on a mobile site. By focusing on the mobile optimisation aspect of your website, you’re able to attract your primary pool of customers, as well as those disgruntled by a non-responsive, unoptimised website.

Use Quality Product Images and Content

When customers visit your eCommerce site they want to see what you offer in the greatest detail possible. Primarily through images and text, you can show off everything that’s great about your products. Take a look at the content below to see our top tips when adding these to your eCommerce website.


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    All Images Should Be High-Quality and Formatted Correctly

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    They Should Show Your Product from as Many Angles as Possible

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    Name Your Images So That Google Can Read Them

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    Reduce the File Size So That the Page Loads Quickly

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    Choose the Right File Type to Ensure Compatibility


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    Choose the Right File Type to Ensure Compatibility

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    Ensure That All of the Technical Details Are Included

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    Use This Space to Really Sell Why Your Product Is the Best

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    Include Any Extra Information That May Be Relevant e.g. Available Sizes

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    Use Relevant Keywords to Increase Your SEO Potential

By using quality text and images, you’re sure to entice customers in. The whole point of an eCommerce site is to sell products to your customers, and following our guidelines gives you the best chance of doing this. The more information that customers have, the more likely they are to want to engage with you and your company. This engagement is the start of a journey towards a sale, so make sure that you take your first step today.


Include Clear Links to Important Information

As well as having images and information that draw customers in, you need to have information that shows them where to go next. This can be in the form of buttons, text links, or a navigation bar, but the key is that it’s clear and straightforward to use. These links are vital and can be the difference between completing a sale and a customer leaving your website.

Some of the places these links can lead include:

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    A Frequently Asked Questions Page

    • This is a great way to let customers know any extra information about the products, shipping, and what to expect when they order from you.
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    A Testimonials Page

    • Testimonials from real customers help to put people at ease. When they see that people have had a positive experience, they’re able to trust you and buy with confidence.
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    A Certain Product Page

    • If you have certain products that you want to highlight, then you can point customers to them using this technique.
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    A Contact Page

    • Customers may want to talk to you about your products and the services you offer, and this should be made as easy as possible for them.

Show off Your Logo

Creating a trustworthy culture online is prized by customers and search engines alike, and having your logo featured prominently helps to do this. Using a familiar logo that is associated with your company builds this trust, as customers can be sure that it’s you. Major brands, including Nike, Apple, and Facebook, use their logos on every platform, and you should do the same to show authority and trustworthiness.

Display Important Information and Offers in a Clear Way

If you’re running a special offer, you want customers to know about it. Even if they’ve stumbled across your website or are only looking for a specific thing, few people can resist a banner or image link that says “Don’t Miss This Special Offer”. Whether you’re reducing old stock, launching a product at an introductory price, or simply offering a seasonal deal, advertising this fact will draw customers to your products.

There’s a number of ways to advertise your special offers, including:

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    Creating an Image Banner for Your Site

    • Experienced designers are able to create high-quality, attractive banners easily for you, and these are great for use on your site. They draw people in with their design and allow your products to do the rest.
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    Adding Links to Your Home Page

    • A simple way to feature your product is with in-text links on your homepage. This allows you to describe your product to eager customers and then point them to where they can get one of their own.
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    Running Ads as Part of a Social Media Campaign

    • If you want to push your special offers to a wider audience, social media could be the best thing to twin with your eCommerce site. This platform reaches customers from a range of demographics and could be the key to generating leads and sales.

Highlight Your Product Advantages

The whole purpose of an eCommerce website is to sell your products to your chosen demographic. To ensure that you’re doing this as effectively as possible you need to show off your products and the advantages of choosing you. Using high-quality images and text, you can display everything you need to, ensuring that customers understand what you’re offering and why they need it.

The images should be of the highest quality possible, as this is what customers expect from professional companies like yours. They should also offer different views of the product so that they can see all elements of what you’re offering. If possible, images of a product being used are best, as customers can get an idea of how the product could look on them, in their home, or as part of their collection.

All text should follow SEO best practice guidelines to increase impact. Quality keywords, impeccable grammar, and authoritative language all help to draw customers to your products, as well as helping your search engine ranking. This text also needs to fully explain your product, providing technical details, in-depth information, guides on things like sizes, and other relevant information.

Make Your Contact Details Clear

Ensure that customers can get in touch with you by displaying your contact details in an easy-to-find location. Whether you prefer to be contacted by phone, email, or through a contact form, it’s vital that customers have this information close to hand.

As they traverse through your website, customers may want to ask you a question or check the details of a product. Having contact details readily available and manned effectively allows you to keep their interest and push yourself closer to a completed sale. Not having these details may cause them to choose a competitor instead, and this is the worst thing that can happen from an eCommerce point of view.

Display the Most Relevant Logos

As well as displaying your own logo, having other relevant logos shows your quality, professionalism, and qualifications (where relevant). These logos can also give information to customers on the payment methods you accept or the protection offered when shopping with you.

Some of the logos and types of logo you can offer include:

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    Payment Types

    • PayPal™
    • Visa™
    • MasterCard™
    • American Express™
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    Protection and Security

    • Norton Security
    • PCI-Compliant
    • SSL Certificate
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    • Online Retail Awards
    • eCommerce Awards for Excellence
    • Northern eCommerce Awards
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    Your Product Logos

Showing off these logos can instil confidence into customers that they may not have had previously. It also gives all of the information up front. They know that they can pay with their PayPal balance and that their transaction is going to be protected. If you’re an award-winner, they can also see that they’re dealing with a professional company, and this can only be a good thing.

Take Control of eCommerce Today!

The potential for improving your eCommerce is right there, all you need to do is reach out and take it. From the content that should be included, to the colours and visual aspects that you should use, all of the information is here for you. Our goal is for you to be informed about the best practice for eCommerce sites, and this blog has everything you need.

Now that you’ve got the knowledge, you’re set for your online debut. Take control of your eCommerce future by improving your website and overall online performance today!

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