How to get found online

  • Some 93% of consumers go online to conduct research or browse for products before making retail purchases.
  • 94% of people planning home improvements go online before making a purchasing decision.
  • 74% of consumers find local restaurants by using a search engine.
  • 63% of consumers rely on local businesses’ websites to find and engage with the business.

Search engines, online browsing and business websites are the key elements driving leads to your business. How can you create a strong online presence for your business–and ensure you get found?

Try these five tips.

1. Put your business on the map.

Google search results for a local business will show the top companies’ locations on a map. Your location can be the deciding factor in whether prospects choose you or your competition. Listings Management puts your business on the map (literally!) so customers in your local area will find you and see where you’re located when they search online for what you sell

2. Attract website traffic and leads with pay-per-click ads.

As customers browse online and research possible purchases, PPC advertising is a great way to catch their eye and stand out among all the search results. A PPC campaign will pinpoint your business’s most valuable keywords, then use them in PPC ads that get top placement on Google search — and get more traffic to your website.

3. Optimise your website.

The rules of search engine optimisation (SEO) are constantly changing — what busy business owner has time to keep up with it all? When you use, you don’t have to. The marketing experts at keep on top of SEO trends and make sure your business website is continuously optimised to maintain its high rank in organic search results. That gives you time to focus on what you’re good at — running your business.

4. Get help from the pros.

Online marketing and advertising offers a world of possibility for local businesses, but it can also be complicated if you’re not sure what you’re doing. When you choose, you can feel confident you’ve got the experts on your side. has a team of real people for you to work with. They will provide support and help you customise your advertising and marketing messages to get more traffic, more leads and more sales.

5. Monitor your results.

Last, but not least, it’s important to make sure your online marketing and advertising is actually working for you. With, there’s no offers transparency throughout the process, telling you how many leads to expect and providing an easy-to-use dashboard where you can monitor how well your marketing and advertising efforts are performing.

So if you want to be found online, make sure you are visible where all your potential customers are searching.
