How to Keep Your Blog Relevant and up to Date

Update the Blog on a Regular Basis

One thing that people love about blogs is that the content is provided on a regular basis. They know that they can check back every day, week, or month and find out what you’ve been doing by reading your latest updates. To ensure that people are enjoying your blog and getting the most out of it, you need to keep up to date in this way.

When you’re starting or rebranding a blog, you need to decide how regularly you’re going to post. Daily and weekly are the most hard-hitting options, but fortnightly or monthly can also work as effectively, depending on your content. The most important thing is choosing a regularity and then sticking to it so that customers know when to expect content from you.

Once you’ve committed to this regular posting schedule, you can then line posts up to go out to customers and think about how you can stagger information. You may have a series that you want to run or a collection of posts that work well together. It’s easy to curate this if your publishing plan is already in place before you start.

Follow Trends, Current Affairs, and Seasonal Occasions

Whether it’s the latest trend, a high-profile news story, or Christmas fever, your key to cracking social media could be things that customers are already talking about. The most successful blogs talk about what’s happening in the world and then apply it to their business and show why it’s relevant. Some examples are listed in the table below:

What Customers Are Talking about Your Business Category The Blog Post You Could Write
Global Warming Plumber How a New Boiler Could Help the Planet
Brexit Greengrocers The Impact of Brexit on What’s in Your Cupboards
The 1975 Music Shop How to Sound Like The 1975

By doing this, you’re sure to draw customers into your website through the blog. They’re already talking about the topic, and this means that they’ll be looking for information online. You’re an expert compared to the average customer, so use this knowledge to draw customers in and generate leads or sales.

Do Your Research

The research that you carry out for your blog shapes everything that you do. From learning about your audience and industry to keeping an eye on your local competitors, you need to be undertaking research constantly. The more research that you do, the more that you’ll know about how to approach your blog in an effective way. Take a look at the information below to learn more about the research that you should be carrying out.

Learn Your Audience

Finding out about your audience and posting content relevant to them is one of the most important things to do when running a blog. By getting to know them better, you’re able to create better, tailored content, and this is much more likely to make an impact. Customers like content that they feel is marketed towards them, and this is what you’re going to create once you’ve got to know them.

Know Your Industry Better Than Anyone

You’re an expert when it comes to your industry. As a professional and a blog writer, you should be as knowledgeable as anyone when it comes to talking about what you do, how you do, and why it’s important. This knowledge and expertise are valued by customers and search engines, and this is why it’s important to show these attributes off.

Compared to most customers, your knowledge will already be far above theirs, and this puts you in a great position. Use this means that you’re sure to have a much more positive outcome.

Compete with Your Competitors

To ensure that you have the best market share possible, you need to keep an eye on what your competitors are doing. They may have found highly effective ways to market the same service, and this is something that you should be working against. By taking inspiration from their practices or trying your own alternative work, you may be able to claim customers from them.

Listen to Your Audience

The way that your audience reacts to your content is the best indicator of how relevant and up to date your content is. If people are flocking to your site, staying there for a while, and then engaging with the content with comments and shares, you know that you’re doing something right. Conversely, if people are bouncing straight off the site and avoiding the blog page, your content might not be that great.

When you’re creating blog content, make sure that you’re covering topics that customers genuinely care about. This draws them in and keeps them interested, and this is great for your blog and overall website performance. It also keeps them coming back for more, as customers will recognise this blog as a place that they can discover interesting, in-depth information about a chosen subject.

Be Original in What You’re Saying

No one wants to read the same thing again and again, and this is why you should be completely original when creating a post. There’s no point pulling information from your website or previous blog posts, as people will have already read them. Alongside customers being bored, this practice can also impact negatively on your SEO performance, as Google takes a dim view to those that copy content word for word.

By keeping up with current affairs and trends, you’re able to write original, high-quality content that is relevant to your business. It also gives customers what they want, so this original content is a great thing, no matter how you think about it.

Encourage User Interaction

Customers that enjoy the information on your blog are likely to leave a comment or share the blog on their own platforms. This should be encouraged as it helps search engines and other customers to rank your blog and website highly. Getting people talking also helps to create a sense of community on your blog, and this is a great place to find potential leads and customers.

Start working on fostering a space that encourages user interaction to see the difference it makes to your business as a whole.

Create Quality, Word-Rich Content

Previously in this post, we discussed posting regularly so that your customers are as informed as possible. To complement this, we’d always recommend writing large amounts of content where you can. By really getting into a subject, you’re able to show your expertise and knowledge of the industry.

Throughout the content, you should use relevant keywords to reach as many members of your target audience as possible. This is great for SEO and means that you can draw in new customers to read your blog alongside those that are already hooked. You can also boost this effectiveness by writing in a straightforward, person-to-person style. Avoiding jargon and overly complicated language means that customers and search engines can understand exactly what you’re saying, without having to hop to other sites for definitions or further information.

Ensure You’re Mobile-Friendly

According to data collated by Statista in January 2018, there are more than 3.7 billion unique mobile users in the world. This accounts for almost half of the global population online, and this is the primary reason that your blog needs to be properly optimised for phones and tablets. In simple terms, your blog will be read on these devices, so you need to cater to this market.

When you work with a professional, they can take care of this optimisation, leaving you with more time to write your blog and show off your products or services. This gives you the best chance of generating sales and leads, which is the main point of having a website, blog, or other online marketing campaigns.


To conclude, a healthy, relevant blog is one that is filled with high-quality content on a regular basis. Text, images, videos, and more all contribute, and this content is what you use to speak to your customers. By ensuring that you’re posting regularly in a set pattern and that the topics match your audience’s interest, you’re sure to have a more successful blog.

You should combine the high-quality content on your blog with uniform branding, a professional website to show off the rest of your business, and excellent work when you arrive for maximum impact. By doing all of these things, you’re able to draw customers in, keep them on your site, and covert what was a quick browse into a long-lasting business relationship.
