How to detect a spam/virus email

Spam email is something which we all receive, most days, and can’t really avoid or stop it. Determining what is and isn’t spam is sometimes difficult, so I’ve put together a very simple guide to help the non-spam spotters amongst you.

Below explains what you can look at to make sure that you don’t interact with an email which isn’t legitimate.

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Bust through all the website jargon, with Dan Hallsworth

In this day in age, it is easy to get lost in the abyss that is also known as the internet! You’re an expert in what you do – so let us help you in understanding the “techy” terms surrounding your website and its features.

If you are new to the world of websites, we’d like to help you understand the ‘gobbledygook’ that can baffle and bemuse some of us.

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Apple Mac vs Windows

The debate over which PC platform is best, Mac or Windows, has waged for years with both sides equally passionate about which operating system reigns supreme. While there’s no single answer for every user, you can find a computer with the right characteristics to meet your computing needs. Here’s the low-down on the match up between Mac and Windows. I personally prefer the Mac platform; this is because it’s much easier to use and it has a better feel. I have used Macs since my college days and would never swap to a PC.

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Is it time to upgrade your computer?

It’s quite difficult to know if its time to upgrade our hardware. Most of us learn to live with the quirks of our PCs even to the point of embracing its whims. We know which bits’ work, which bits don’t, and when we need to wiggle the USB plug to make it connect properly.

As a result, we often struggle on with machines well past their prime. It needn’t be the case. Here are some signs that it’s time to upgrade.

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