Posts Tagged ‘eCommerce’
7 common eCommerce website design mistakes you might be making
Have sales for your eCommerce website slowed down? Or did they never take off in the first place? The problem might be with your eCommerce website design. Many small business owners make some common eCommerce website design mistakes that can keep prospective customers from buying. Here are seven to watch out for.
Read MoreAARRR! How to Harness Pirate Metrics for Your eCommerce Site
What’s a pirate’s favourite letter of the alphabet? Obviously, it’s the C, but if you’re running an eCommerce business, it’s the AARRR that should interest you.
Read MoreWhat Features Does your Online Shop Need to Succeed?
As a business owner, dipping your toes into the world of eCommerce may seem like an overwhelming idea, with many things to consider how do you know what’s best for your business?
Read MoreGrow Your Business through eCommerce
For small businesses creating an online store is a fantastic opportunity that will help to grow your company even though you may be limited on time, budget or staff. But with a little bit of know how you can create your very own empire – boost your revenue and generate an exciting opportunity for you and your business! Launching an online shop for your business can pose many questions and you may feel you need a helping hand to ensure that you setting off on the right foot into the world of eCommerce. So first questions first….
Read More4 Email Alert Buttons to Add to Your eCommerce Website
Competition for eCommerce shoppers will be more heated than ever this upcoming holiday season. One way to get customers to buy from your eCommerce website is by adding email alert buttons. Email alert buttons typically display near the “Add to Cart” button on a product page. They can be used to alert customers to changes in price, new stock, or other changes to a product or its availability. Email alert buttons are becoming more important for retailers because eCommerce customers are becoming more sophisticated about online shopping. Here are four email alert buttons you may want to consider offering, and why.
Read MoreFactors Which Make a Good eCommerce Website
When you’re looking to start selling products online, an eCommerce website should be your first port of call. These sites are specially designed for you and your business, and they make selling your products simple. A good eCommerce site works for the buyer and seller, and this blog seeks to explore how you can achieve this fine balance.
Read MoreMistakes to Avoid When Starting to Sell Online
Customers expect a certain standard of website design and usability, especially when shopping on eCommerce websites. If you make too many design and functionality mistakes, you will not only lose customers, you will harm your long-term reputation.
Read MoreWhat do shoppers look for in a mobile website design?
A whopping 92 percent of people in the UK now shop online, according to research cited by Twenga Solutions — and a significant percentage of that shopping is mobile. More than four in 10 people shop while in bed, 20 percent shop while in the car and 20 percent shop while in the bathroom (TMI?). What do shoppers look for in a mobile website design, and what motivates them to buy from you? Here’s what you need to know.
Read More10 mistakes to avoid when creating an eCommerce site
Customers expect a certain standard of website design and usability, especially when shopping on eCommerce websites. If you make too many design and functionality mistakes, you will not only lose customers, you will harm your long-term reputation. Fortunately, most mistakes are relatively easy to fix. If you want to improve your current eCommerce site, or you’re thinking of creating a new site, here are some of the most common design mistakes to avoid.
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