How SEO Has Changed as the Web Has Developed

internet search engine

In 1989, Tim Bernes-Lee created the first iteration of the World Wide Web. This was then developed by scientists in Geneva, Switzerland, and eventually released it to the public in August 1991. This was closely followed by the first search engine as we know them, called Veronica. This was launched in 1992 and was quickly followed by the first web browser in 1993, called Mosaic. The browser developed by a team at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications in Illinois. Google, Yahoo, and Bing came along later, and the need for SEO started to grow. Throughout this blog, we’ll explore how SEO has changed and how you can change as a business to keep up.

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How Could Voice Search Change the Way We’re Found Online?

women talking on phone

“Alexa, order a new spatula.” “Siri, what time is it in Brazil?” “Bixby, when does the new season of Game of Thrones air?” Voice commands and questions are now commonplace in homes around the world, and this could have a huge impact on the way that sites are ranked. According to General Voice Statistics, more than 50% of all searches will be voice searches by 2020. Whether they’re asking a question that you can answer or are enquiring about a household problem, your website can still be the first that they see. Check out this blog to see what we suggest to customers looking to get ahead in the SEO game.

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12 Reasons Why The North East Is Going Places

transporter bridge

Contrary to popular belief the North East is great for more than just two reasons (Middlesbrough FC & the Parmo!) business is booming. With the fastest rate of company growth in the UK outside of London, (10.78%, 2014-2015) North East businesses continue to grow at an accelerated rate. Here’s 12 reasons why you should be proud of living and working in the North East:

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The Future of Social Media Marketing

social marketing strategy

What does the coming year hold for small businesses in social media marketing? How do your social media marketing plans compare with your competitors’? The 2016 Social Media Marketing Industry Report polled over 5,000 marketers, about 65 percent B2C and 35 percent B2B, to find out what plans they have in store. Here’s what you need to know.

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Social Influence: 6 Ways to Increase Yours

Social media on mobile

Want to boost your influence on social media sites and in marketing in general? Social influence can make a huge difference on the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns and thus your sales. First, let’s look at what social influence is. From the perspective of a psychologist, social influence is how individual thoughts, actions and feelings are influenced by social groups. There are five different types of social influence: peer pressure, obedience, leadership, conformity and persuasion. When it comes to social influence online, it’s about making a positive impact on a lot of people. When you have social influence on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, or Pinterest, people trust you and listen very carefully to what you have to say. That’s pretty powerful stuff. Here are six ways to increase your social influence:

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Boost your Business Social Media

social media on mobile

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram – there’s so many social media platforms out there, so how do you decide which ones are good for your business? In the digital age we’re living in, social media has the potential to dramatically increase the way your company performs. It also helps to build strong relationships with your consumers as you can effectively communicate with them at the click of a button. Before you start, it’s important for you to understand the difference between the various tools, and how each one helps to target your ideal market in a specific way.

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