Factors Which Make a Good eCommerce Website

When you’re looking to start selling products online, an eCommerce website should be your first port of call. These sites are specially designed for you and your business, and they make selling your products simple. A good eCommerce site works for the buyer and seller, and this blog seeks to explore how you can achieve this fine balance.

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Mistakes to Avoid When Starting to Sell Online

Customers expect a certain standard of website design and usability, especially when shopping on eCommerce websites. If you make too many design and functionality mistakes, you will not only lose customers, you will harm your long-term reputation.

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Website & domain security is more than responsible, it’s beneficial

Website and domain security is a really big deal now. What was once an issue for big business, governments and technology leaders is now on the minds of everyone with a website and anyone using the Internet.

Why now? Well, there are a host of reasons website security has become a hot topic, but one of the biggest is because Google is making it a priority. And when Google speaks, everyone listens.

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What do shoppers look for in a mobile website design?

A whopping 92 percent of people in the UK now shop online, according to research cited by Twenga Solutions — and a significant percentage of that shopping is mobile. More than four in 10 people shop while in bed, 20 percent shop while in the car and 20 percent shop while in the bathroom (TMI?). What do shoppers look for in a mobile website design, and what motivates them to buy from you? Here’s what you need to know.

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Is your website mobile friendly?

We’re now living in a digital world, where literally everything is readily available at our fingertips. You can order your weekly shop on the commute home from work, catch up with your emails and have your finger on the pulse of world news, with a device that can fit neatly in your pocket.

The digital age has rocketed since the days of dial up internet. Not only has it transformed our day to day habits from counting our steps and monitoring our health, to late night spending sprees and catching up with friends all over the globe.

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10 mistakes to avoid when creating an eCommerce site

Customers expect a certain standard of website design and usability, especially when shopping on eCommerce websites. If you make too many design and functionality mistakes, you will not only lose customers, you will harm your long-term reputation. Fortunately, most mistakes are relatively easy to fix. If you want to improve your current eCommerce site, or you’re thinking of creating a new site, here are some of the most common design mistakes to avoid.

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Help choosing a payment gateway for your online store

If you are thinking about setting up an online store, you will also need to think about how you are going to take payments. Taking payments online isn’t just a case of turning on a feature and watching the money flow in… but it doesn’t have to be complicated either

You can make it very easy for customers to pay for your products with the right payment gateway. But choosing the right one can take some time, but we want to help narrow down your options and make the process of choosing a little easier.

Let’s have a look at how you can find the best payment gateway so you can get back to focusing on what matters: launching your new online store.

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How to improve your customers’ online shopping experience

Your eCommerce site needs to be user friendly to ensure the best customer experience for your visitors.

We can go into depth about customer journey mapping and advanced approaches of CX (Customer Experience) like establishing Customer Rooms, but I think sometimes, even the simple things can improve customer experience and make the biggest impact to your online store .

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