How to Make Your Content SEO Friendly

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Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is an incredibly important tool to the modern-day Marketer, as it helps makes your content visible to people when searching individual words in search engines and make your content relevant to your audience’s questions. However, even the most experienced Marketer would struggle to fully explain how the Google algorithms function, but there are steps and tactics that have proven successful in seeing content climb the rankings. Here are some tips on how to make your content SEO friendly.

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How SEO Has Changed as the Web Has Developed

internet search engine

In 1989, Tim Bernes-Lee created the first iteration of the World Wide Web. This was then developed by scientists in Geneva, Switzerland, and eventually released it to the public in August 1991. This was closely followed by the first search engine as we know them, called Veronica. This was launched in 1992 and was quickly followed by the first web browser in 1993, called Mosaic. The browser developed by a team at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications in Illinois. Google, Yahoo, and Bing came along later, and the need for SEO started to grow. Throughout this blog, we’ll explore how SEO has changed and how you can change as a business to keep up.

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12 Reasons Why The North East Is Going Places

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Contrary to popular belief the North East is great for more than just two reasons (Middlesbrough FC & the Parmo!) business is booming. With the fastest rate of company growth in the UK outside of London, (10.78%, 2014-2015) North East businesses continue to grow at an accelerated rate. Here’s 12 reasons why you should be proud of living and working in the North East:

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What’s The Big Deal About Z-Index?


Z-index in the most basic term is a CSS property that orders the layers that make up your websites page. The problem with z-index is that very few people understand how it really works and some have never even heard of the property. As the web is progressing at an astounding rate websites are becoming more and more complex in appearance as elements are being overlapped, floated and layered to give more eye catching and appealing designs.

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The Future of Social Media Marketing

social marketing strategy

What does the coming year hold for small businesses in social media marketing? How do your social media marketing plans compare with your competitors’? The 2016 Social Media Marketing Industry Report polled over 5,000 marketers, about 65 percent B2C and 35 percent B2B, to find out what plans they have in store. Here’s what you need to know.

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Alternative Domain Extensions: What to Do When .com Is Taken

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If you’ve tried to register a domain name for a business or product recently, you know how competitive it can be. There’s nothing more frustrating than coming up with the perfect name for your new business, only to find that the business name isn’t available as a domain because somebody else got there first. Trying a variation on your name can work, but sometimes even the variations you want aren’t available. What can you do?

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