How to Create Great Infographics

Women drinking coffee working on a laptop

Infographics are an increasingly popular way to make complex subjects and information understandable to your customers. As a highly shareable visual format, it’s the perfect way to condense data about your business or your industry without dumbing it down or confusing customers.

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Is Above the Fold Important Anymore?

working on a laptop

Above the fold comes from the world of print. Newspapers, due to them being printed on large sheets of paper, were folded once they were delivered to new-stands. This meant that only the top half of the page would be visible to someone at first glance. To make it so that more people purchased the newspaper more attention-grabbing headlines were added to the top half. Obviously, websites don’t have a physical fold, the fold is considered anything that is visible immediately and doesn’t require scrolling to view. It is almost impossible to define a single point for a fold placement on a website. This is down to the location of the fold differing as visitors to the site will be accessing the website with devices that can have a vast number of combinations of screen size, resolutions and browser types.

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What’s The Big Deal About Z-Index?


Z-index in the most basic term is a CSS property that orders the layers that make up your websites page. The problem with z-index is that very few people understand how it really works and some have never even heard of the property. As the web is progressing at an astounding rate websites are becoming more and more complex in appearance as elements are being overlapped, floated and layered to give more eye catching and appealing designs.

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Factors Which Make a Good eCommerce Website

When you’re looking to start selling products online, an eCommerce website should be your first port of call. These sites are specially designed for you and your business, and they make selling your products simple. A good eCommerce site works for the buyer and seller, and this blog seeks to explore how you can achieve this fine balance.

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