Are Your Landing Pages Converting?

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In today’s world, grabbing the attention of a potential customer is difficult, keeping them engaged and focused while on your website or landing pages is harder, and actually asking people to part with their information is near impossible… unless you convince them it is a good idea to do so. Below we are going to talk about three different ways in which we can increase the conversion rate on your website through your landing pages.

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Make the Most of Micro-Moments

Meeting with laptops and tablets

While everyone seems to constantly be on their phones, recent research seems to suggest that we’re actually using them less. We now use our phones, tablets, and Internet-enabled devices to access information in a specific way, rather than spending hours scrolling through general, monotonous content. These intent-driven searches are known as micro-moments. These searches are typically fuelled by questions we don’t have the answer to, and we believe that your business could benefit from these moments. If people are asking how to file their taxes properly, and you’re an accountant, you have a chance to market yourself effectively in their SERPs.

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Why You Need to Audit Your Content

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Part of a great content strategy is evaluating what you already have, rather than just charging forward onto the next thing. If you’re putting all this effort into building a repository of content, it’s important to explore and understand how that content is performing for you.

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A Beginner’s Guide to Content Curation

man working on a laptop

You won’t get far browsing the internet without finding some kind of curated content. Across the web, consumers are finding and sharing other creators’ content in new ways, but why Is content curation so important when it comes to marketing your business?

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Tips for driving traffic to your corporate website

Ask a marketer or business owner what they’d like most in the world, and they’ll probably tell you “more customers.” What often comes after customers on a businesses wish list? More traffic to their website. There are many ways you can increase traffic on your website, here are a few:

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Sell to People Who Already See It Your Way

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When marketing your product or service, it’s tempting to opt for the hard sell. By assuming your customer has no affinity for your product, you’re likely to form a more effective argument in support of it. Plus, you’ll show those unfamiliar with your product what it’s all about. Right? Wrong. In marketing, it’s best to accept that someone who isn’t interested in your product never will be. If that sounds like admitting defeat, think again. Your goal isn’t to convince consumers who usually overlook or dislike your products. Your mission is to align your marketing copy for consumers who already like what you have to offer.

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