Understanding Your Target Market in Depth

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We all have our own writing style that we fall back on. But we often change it to accommodate the platform we’re using – adopting a chattier approach when desperately trying to condense our thoughts into 140 characters on Twitter, or beefing up our vocabulary to sound fancier when applying for a job. Adopting a particular style and tone also applies when it comes to attracting your ideal customer. However, this can only be achieved when you have successfully identified your target market. This is incredibly important, as understanding it in depth will ensure that you speak directly to your customer and get them on board.

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Do’s and Don’ts of Content Marketing

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At the heart of any digital marketing strategy is content, but many variables go into making sure that the content that you create is valuable, relevant, and consistent to attract your audience. Though content marketing is a field that is constantly changing, there are methods, strategies, and tools that each business should be using and also avoiding to ensure the success of your campaign. Here are the essential do’s and don’ts of content marketing.

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How to Effectively Market Your Business on YouTube

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YouTube is more than a home for funny cat videos. YouTube is the world’s second largest search engine with 1 billion users and 5 billion videos being watched every day. Despite these astronomical numbers, many businesses fail to consistently utilise YouTube as part of their digital marketing strategy. Video marketing is more important and influential than ever, that’s why it’s important to tap into YouTube to increase your businesses’ visibility and credibility. Here are some of the most effective ways to market your business on YouTube.

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Social Influence: 6 Ways to Increase Yours

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Want to boost your influence on social media sites and in marketing in general? Social influence can make a huge difference on the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns and thus your sales. First, let’s look at what social influence is. From the perspective of a psychologist, social influence is how individual thoughts, actions and feelings are influenced by social groups. There are five different types of social influence: peer pressure, obedience, leadership, conformity and persuasion. When it comes to social influence online, it’s about making a positive impact on a lot of people. When you have social influence on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, or Pinterest, people trust you and listen very carefully to what you have to say. That’s pretty powerful stuff. Here are six ways to increase your social influence:

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