OK, How Do I Optimise My Content for Voice Search

woman on phone and laptop

Voice searching has become more popular alongside exciting advances in the capabilities of speech-to-text technology. Programs are now able to recognise spoken search queries and return search results accordingly. It’s estimated that by 2020, half of all searches will be voice searches. It’s time to prepare for the next leap forward in SEO by creating content that is optimised for people who search using Alexa, Siri, or their digital personal assistant of choice.

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How Could Voice Search Change the Way We’re Found Online?

women talking on phone

“Alexa, order a new spatula.” “Siri, what time is it in Brazil?” “Bixby, when does the new season of Game of Thrones air?” Voice commands and questions are now commonplace in homes around the world, and this could have a huge impact on the way that sites are ranked. According to General Voice Statistics, more than 50% of all searches will be voice searches by 2020. Whether they’re asking a question that you can answer or are enquiring about a household problem, your website can still be the first that they see. Check out this blog to see what we suggest to customers looking to get ahead in the SEO game.

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Why are directory listings important?

73% of consumers lose trust in a brand when an online listing is incorrect. Directory listings can be an extremely powerful tool for building your business brand, your company profile and your website search engine optimisation (SEO) if you are a local business.

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How to get found online

How do consumers really find local businesses, from restaurants and retail stores to accountants and auto repair shops? I’ll give you a clue: It’s not by driving around looking at yard signs and billboards, fishing through the mailbox for direct mail postcards, or even flipping through the Yellow Pages. (Be real: When was the last time you actually opened a phone book?) Here’s how prospects look for local businesses today — and how you can ensure you get found online.

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