Harnessing the Power of Social Media for Your Business

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Gone are the days where social media was strictly for teenagers, MySpace, and sharing videos of cats (although the latter is still great and very important). Social media is now a global platform for pretty much anything, from sharing opinions and articles to finding employment and starting crowdfunders.

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Top 10 Social Media Trends in 2019

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Social media is constantly changing, it brings new trends and ideas which change the way we utilise platforms, how we advertise our businesses, and how we interact with our customers. The social media trends of 2019 are either already in place, growingly gradually, or set to get even bigger throughout the year. Here are 10 trends we expect to defy social media in 2019.

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New Social Networks for 2019

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Social media is an ever-changing landscape, though we have staple platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, there are platforms running in the background waiting to become the next big thing. These new platforms are important for marketers to tap into untouched audiences, and utilising the platforms early on will make sure that you’re ahead of competitors when these platforms become popular. In no particular order, here are new social networks that we believe are going to be popular in 2019.

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The Importance of Video Marketing

Camera filming

It has come as no surprise that video is now the most popular medium amongst marketers, a short visual showcasing your products and services will say more than words ever could. You should be considering video as an essential part of all your market strategies going forward, here is our guide to why video marketing is key to the success of your business.

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Benefits of Being on Instagram for Business

Boasting more than 800 million active users, Instagram has quickly become one of the most influential and powerful social media platforms that allows both everyday people and businesses to connect with their followers through posting photo-based content.

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Is Your Website Performing?

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Everyone knows that your website is like your online shop window. It is the first place potential clients see you, and can make a snap decision if they like you and whether they want to purchase products or services from you.

However, what you may not realise is that it is much more than your shop window or sales brochure. It is the front of your digital marketing strategy and helps to drive leads, as well as customer conversion and retention, into your business, so we need to ensure that it is performing to the best of its ability.

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