Why Your Site Needs Video and Audio Content

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When it comes to online marketing, content is key. Your written copy will always be essential, but with video and audio content becoming ever more popular, you should have at least one of these to bolster your branding and marketing activities too.

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Ways to Fight the Decline of Organic Reach on Social Media

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Social media is a landscape that is everchanging, the way the platforms work is always updating which is to the detriment of businesses. Gaining organic reach is increasingly difficult, but still possible, if done right. Here are our ways to help fight the decline of organic reach on your social media accounts.

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Do’s and Don’ts of Content Marketing

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At the heart of any digital marketing strategy is content, but many variables go into making sure that the content that you create is valuable, relevant, and consistent to attract your audience. Though content marketing is a field that is constantly changing, there are methods, strategies, and tools that each business should be using and also avoiding to ensure the success of your campaign. Here are the essential do’s and don’ts of content marketing.

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How to Effectively Market Your Business on YouTube

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YouTube is more than a home for funny cat videos. YouTube is the world’s second largest search engine with 1 billion users and 5 billion videos being watched every day. Despite these astronomical numbers, many businesses fail to consistently utilise YouTube as part of their digital marketing strategy. Video marketing is more important and influential than ever, that’s why it’s important to tap into YouTube to increase your businesses’ visibility and credibility. Here are some of the most effective ways to market your business on YouTube.

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How Could Voice Search Change the Way We’re Found Online?

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“Alexa, order a new spatula.” “Siri, what time is it in Brazil?” “Bixby, when does the new season of Game of Thrones air?” Voice commands and questions are now commonplace in homes around the world, and this could have a huge impact on the way that sites are ranked. According to General Voice Statistics, more than 50% of all searches will be voice searches by 2020. Whether they’re asking a question that you can answer or are enquiring about a household problem, your website can still be the first that they see. Check out this blog to see what we suggest to customers looking to get ahead in the SEO game.

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12 Reasons Why The North East Is Going Places

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Contrary to popular belief the North East is great for more than just two reasons (Middlesbrough FC & the Parmo!) business is booming. With the fastest rate of company growth in the UK outside of London, (10.78%, 2014-2015) North East businesses continue to grow at an accelerated rate. Here’s 12 reasons why you should be proud of living and working in the North East:

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