How to get found online

How do consumers really find local businesses, from restaurants and retail stores to accountants and auto repair shops? I’ll give you a clue: It’s not by driving around looking at yard signs and billboards, fishing through the mailbox for direct mail postcards, or even flipping through the Yellow Pages. (Be real: When was the last time you actually opened a phone book?) Here’s how prospects look for local businesses today — and how you can ensure you get found online.

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The 5 online marketing acronyms you need to know

Starting online advertising or marketing as a small business can be extremely confusing and disheartening with all the online marketing acronyms. From CPC to ROAS, marketing acronyms are everywhere. You know that being online is a great way to reach new customers but how do you cut through all the clutter and confusion?

Well below we have set out what we believe are the five online marketing acronyms you need to know – and why they matter.

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3 companies actively closing the gender gap

The unfortunate truth is that the gender gap is real. Women have fewer opportunities and get paid less than men for the same jobs. In fact, on average women make 79% of men’s salaries for the same job despite the Equal Pay Act of 1963. In tech, this gender gap is perhaps the most pronounced. On top of lower salaries, women make up only 18% of undergraduates majoring in computer science and 26% of computing jobs.

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Infographic: The top 3 ways to get more customers

Did you know that 66% of small business owners truly believe having an online presence will help them grow revenue and attract more customers… but only 54% are confident that their online marketing is actually doing the job it’s supposed to?

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