Grow Your Business through eCommerce

shopping on a tablet

For small businesses creating an online store is a fantastic opportunity that will help to grow your company even though you may be limited on time, budget or staff. But with a little bit of know how you can create your very own empire – boost your revenue and generate an exciting opportunity for you and your business! Launching an online shop for your business can pose many questions and you may feel you need a helping hand to ensure that you setting off on the right foot into the world of eCommerce. So first questions first….

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Is Your Website Performing?

laptop and mobile

Everyone knows that your website is like your online shop window. It is the first place potential clients see you, and can make a snap decision if they like you and whether they want to purchase products or services from you.

However, what you may not realise is that it is much more than your shop window or sales brochure. It is the front of your digital marketing strategy and helps to drive leads, as well as customer conversion and retention, into your business, so we need to ensure that it is performing to the best of its ability.

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Why Your Site Needs Video and Audio Content

Video and audio

When it comes to online marketing, content is key. Your written copy will always be essential, but with video and audio content becoming ever more popular, you should have at least one of these to bolster your branding and marketing activities too.

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