Social Media 101: Building a Social Media Ecosystem

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Businesses and brands love social media. In fact, a recent Pew study indicated that nearly 90% of marketers use social media for business. At the same time, many new small businesses are born every day. And trying to figure out where to begin with your social media marketing efforts these days can be quite overwhelming for many new business owners. No effort should begin without formulating a plan, taking into consideration your target markets and what you wish to accomplish (i.e. build awareness, foster loyalty, gather intelligence, drive traffic to your physical business or website, etc.). Based upon this, you can begin assembling your social media strategy. It is best to try focusing on one or two social networks initially, branching out as you become more comfortable with social media marketing.

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How to Find Your Brand’s Tone of Voice

brands tone of voice

Everyone has their own tone of voice. From birth, we hear the accents and turns of phrase that those around us use and we develop our own tone accordingly. It’s what makes your voice recognisable and distinctive from others.

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Sell to People Who Already See It Your Way

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When marketing your product or service, it’s tempting to opt for the hard sell. By assuming your customer has no affinity for your product, you’re likely to form a more effective argument in support of it. Plus, you’ll show those unfamiliar with your product what it’s all about. Right? Wrong. In marketing, it’s best to accept that someone who isn’t interested in your product never will be. If that sounds like admitting defeat, think again. Your goal isn’t to convince consumers who usually overlook or dislike your products. Your mission is to align your marketing copy for consumers who already like what you have to offer.

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