New Social Networks for 2019

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Social media is an ever-changing landscape, though we have staple platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, there are platforms running in the background waiting to become the next big thing. These new platforms are important for marketers to tap into untouched audiences, and utilising the platforms early on will make sure that you’re ahead of competitors when these platforms become popular. In no particular order, here are new social networks that we believe are going to be popular in 2019.

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Benefits of Being on Instagram for Business

Boasting more than 800 million active users, Instagram has quickly become one of the most influential and powerful social media platforms that allows both everyday people and businesses to connect with their followers through posting photo-based content.

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Is Social Media Stressing You Out?

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For any small business owner who’s ever struggled to juggle five different social media accounts and reply to followers’ posts in a timely fashion, answering “Yes!” might seem like a no-brainer. However, the Pew Research Center decided to find out in a more scientific fashion by polling over 1,800 adult Internet users on their perceived stress levels—the degrees to which they felt their lives were, “overloaded, unpredictable and uncontrollable.” The results were surprising.

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Ways to Fight the Decline of Organic Reach on Social Media

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Social media is a landscape that is everchanging, the way the platforms work is always updating which is to the detriment of businesses. Gaining organic reach is increasingly difficult, but still possible, if done right. Here are our ways to help fight the decline of organic reach on your social media accounts.

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The Future of Social Media Marketing

social marketing strategy

What does the coming year hold for small businesses in social media marketing? How do your social media marketing plans compare with your competitors’? The 2016 Social Media Marketing Industry Report polled over 5,000 marketers, about 65 percent B2C and 35 percent B2B, to find out what plans they have in store. Here’s what you need to know.

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Social Influence: 6 Ways to Increase Yours

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Want to boost your influence on social media sites and in marketing in general? Social influence can make a huge difference on the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns and thus your sales. First, let’s look at what social influence is. From the perspective of a psychologist, social influence is how individual thoughts, actions and feelings are influenced by social groups. There are five different types of social influence: peer pressure, obedience, leadership, conformity and persuasion. When it comes to social influence online, it’s about making a positive impact on a lot of people. When you have social influence on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, or Pinterest, people trust you and listen very carefully to what you have to say. That’s pretty powerful stuff. Here are six ways to increase your social influence:

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