4 Email Alert Buttons to Add to Your eCommerce Website

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Competition for eCommerce shoppers will be more heated than ever this upcoming holiday season. One way to get customers to buy from your eCommerce website is by adding email alert buttons. Email alert buttons typically display near the “Add to Cart” button on a product page. They can be used to alert customers to changes in price, new stock, or other changes to a product or its availability. Email alert buttons are becoming more important for retailers because eCommerce customers are becoming more sophisticated about online shopping. Here are four email alert buttons you may want to consider offering, and why.

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Alternative Domain Extensions: What to Do When .com Is Taken

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If you’ve tried to register a domain name for a business or product recently, you know how competitive it can be. There’s nothing more frustrating than coming up with the perfect name for your new business, only to find that the business name isn’t available as a domain because somebody else got there first. Trying a variation on your name can work, but sometimes even the variations you want aren’t available. What can you do?

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6 reasons why blogging is great for small businesses

A blog is an online platform where you’re able to create your own little space on the web. Whether you’re using it for business or personal posting, blogging is something to grab with both hands! It’s a powerful tool that enables your audience to find out more about your company, products, or services.

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Website & domain security is more than responsible, it’s beneficial

Website and domain security is a really big deal now. What was once an issue for big business, governments and technology leaders is now on the minds of everyone with a website and anyone using the Internet.

Why now? Well, there are a host of reasons website security has become a hot topic, but one of the biggest is because Google is making it a priority. And when Google speaks, everyone listens.

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How to write more effective marketing copy

There’s no doubt about it: good copy sells. The most effective marketing copy transforms uncertain readers into your best customers. When your copy reflects the quality of your product, consumers will take notice. That’s what makes the written content of your website one of the most important things to focus on.

So, how do you write marketing copy that converts curious readers into serious sales? The best copy follows a few important rules to keep content focused, clear, and appealing.

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